Dansk Rørindustri A/S (C-189/02 P), Isoplus Fernwärmetechnik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH and Others (C-202/02 P), KE KELIT Kunststoffwerk GmbH (C-205/02 P), LR af 1998 A/S (C-206/02 P), Brugg Rohrsysteme GmbH (C-207/02 P), LR af 1998 (Deutschland) GmbH (C-208/02 P) and ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd (C-213/02 P) v Commission of the European Communities.
- Appeal
- Competition
- Fines
- Legitimate expectations.
- Obligation to state reasons.
- Article 85(1) of the EC Treaty (now Article 81(1) EC)
- Guidelines on the method of setting fines
- Non-retroactivity
- Leniency Notice
- District heating pipes (pre-insulated pipes)
- Cartel
- Boycott
- Lawfulness