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Doc ref: 11296/84 • ECHR ID: 001-55523

Document date: February 20, 1992

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Doc ref: 11296/84 • ECHR ID: 001-55523

Document date: February 20, 1992

Cited paragraphs only

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 54

(art. 54) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights

and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as "the


Having regard to the judgments of the European Court of

Human Rights in the Moreira de Azevedo case delivered on

23 October 1990 and 28 August 1991 and transmitted the same

days to the Committee of Ministers;

Recalling that the case originated in an application against

Portugal lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights on

16 November 1984 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention by

Mr Manuel Moreira de Azevedo, a Portuguese national, who

complained of the length of criminal proceedings instituted by

the Public Prosecutor against a person who had assaulted him;

Recalling that the case was brought before the Court by the

Commission on 12 October 1989;

Whereas in its judgment of 23 October 1990 the Court unanimously:

-    dismissed the Government's preliminary objection;

-    held that Article 6, paragraph 1 (art. 6-1), of the

     Convention applied to the present case and that it had

     been violated;

-    held that the question of the application of

     Article 50 (art. 50) was not ready for decision;

Whereas in its judgment of 28 August 1991 the Court unanimously:

-    held that Portugal was to pay to the applicant within

     the next three months, 4 million escudos in respect of

     damages and 946 800 escudos for costs and expenses

     less 20 153,90 French francs;

-    dismissed the remainder of the claim for just satisfaction;

Having regard to the Rules adopted by the Committee of Ministers

concerning the application of Article 54 (art. 54) of the


Having invited the Government of Portugal to inform it of the

measures which had been taken in consequence of the judgments of

23 October 1990 and 28 August 1991, having regard to its

obligation under Article 53 (art. 53) of the Convention to abide

by them;

Whereas, during the examination of the case by the Committee of

Ministers, the Government of Portugal gave the Committee

information about the measures taken in consequence of the

judgments, which information appears in the appendix to this


Having satisfied itself that the Government of Portugal has paid

the applicant the sums provided for in the judgment of

28 August 1991,

Declares, after having taken note of the information supplied by

the Government of Portugal, that it has exercised its functions

under Article 54 (art. 54) of the Convention in this case.

                Appendix to Resolution DH(92)10

      Information provided by the Government of Portugal

    during the examination of the Moreira de Azevedo case

                 by the Committee of Ministers

Sections 108 and 109 of the new Code of criminal procedure that

came into force on 1 January 1988 instituted an autonomous remedy

to expedite the procedure.

Under Section 108, when the time-limits set by the law for the

duration of each phase of the proceedings have expired, the

Public Prosecutor, the accused, the assistente or the parties

claiming damages may request expedition.  The decision on this

request is to be taken either by the Republic's General

Prosecutor, if the case is under the direction of the Public

Prosecutor or by the Superior Council of the Judiciary if the

case was brought before a Court or a judge.  The judges that

participated in any way whatsoever in the case cannot intervene

in the deliberations.

Section 109 of the new Code of criminal procedure determines the

procedure to be followed when dealing with a request for

expedition.  In particular, paragraph 5 of Section 109 states the

decision taken may be either to declare the request inadmissible

as being ill-founded or because the delays found were justified;

or to request further information, which must be provided within

a maximum of five days, or to request that an enquiry be

conducted, within a period that cannot exceed fifteen days; or

to suggest or determine the disciplinary sanctions, management,

organisational  or rationalisation measures called for by the

situation.  According to paragraph 6 of Section 109 the decision

is immediately communicated to the Court or the entity in charge

of the case as well as to the authorities who have disciplinary

jurisdiction over the persons responsible for the delays found.

Furthermore, a Ministerial Instrument (Portaria) no. 848/83 dated

23 August 1983 has appointed a third judge to the district of

Vila Nova de Famalicao.  A new first instance court (Tribunal de

Circolo), including the Vila Nova de Famalicao district, was set

up in Santo Tirso and started functioning on 21 August 1990.

Lastly, the administration staff of the Famalicao District was

raised from thirty-eight to forty-two civil servants by

Ministerial Instrument (Portaria) No. 537/88 of 10 August 1988.

The sums awarded by the Court to the applicant were paid

on 15 October 1991.

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