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Doc ref: 17506/90 • ECHR ID: 001-45673

Document date: January 11, 1994

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Doc ref: 17506/90 • ECHR ID: 001-45673

Document date: January 11, 1994

Cited paragraphs only


                             FIRST CHAMBER

                       Application No. 17506/90

                            Erkki Kerojärvi



                       REPORT OF THE COMMISSION

                     (adopted on 11 January 1994)




      (paras. 1-15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

      A.   The application

           (paras. 2-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

      B.   The proceedings

           (paras. 5-10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

      C.   The present Report

           (paras. 11-15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


      (paras. 16-33). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

      A.   The particular circumstances of the case

           (paras. 16-24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

      B.   Relevant domestic law

           (paras. 25-33) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


      (paras. 34-53). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

      A.   Complaint declared admissible

           (para. 34) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

      B.   Point at issue

           (para. 35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

      C.   As regards Article 6 para. 1 of the Convention

           (para. 36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

           a.    Whether Article 6 para. 1 is applicable

                 (paras. 37-44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

           b.    Whether Article 6 para. 1 has been violated

                 (paras. 45-52) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


      (para. 53). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

APPENDIX I       : HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS . . . . . . . . . . .10



1.    The following is an outline of the case as submitted to the

European Commission of Human Rights, and of the procedure before the


A.    The application

2.    The applicant is a Finnish citizen, born in 1924 and resident in

Helsinki. He was represented before the Commission by

Mr. Markku Fredman, a lawyer practising in Helsinki.

3.    The application is directed against Finland. The respondent

Government were represented by Mr. Tom Grönberg, Director General for

Legal Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki.

4.    The application concerns the fairness of proceedings before the

Supreme Court in accordance with legislation on the compensation of war

injuries. The applicant invokes Article 6 para. 1 of the Convention.

B.    The proceedings

5.    The application was introduced on 25 August 1990 and registered

on 29 November 1990.

6.    On 7 April 1992 the Commission decided, pursuant to

Rule 48 para. 2 (b) of its Rules of Procedure, to give notice of the

application to the respondent Government and to invite them to submit

written observations on the admissibility and merits of the complaint

regarding the fairness of the compensation proceedings and the

partiality of the courts involved.

7.    The Government's observations were submitted on 11 June 1992 and

the applicant's observations in reply on 29 June and 29 July 1992. On

10 July 1992 the Commission granted the applicant legal aid for the

representation of his case.

8.    On 7 April 1993 the Commission declared admissible the

applicant's complaint under Article 6 para. 1 of the Convention

relating to the non-communication of documents in the proceedings

before the Supreme Court and referred the case to the First Chamber.

The remainder of the application was declared inadmissible.

9.    The text of the Commission's decision was sent to the parties on

8 April 1993 and they were invited to submit such further information

or observations on the merits as they wished. The applicant submitted

observations on 17 May 1993, to which the Government replied on

18 June 1993. Supplementary observations were submitted by the

applicant on 13 July 1993 and by the Government on 15 November 1993.

10.   After declaring the case admissible, the Commission, acting in

accordance with Article 28 para. 1 (b) of the Convention, also placed

itself at the disposal of the parties with a view to securing a

friendly settlement. In the light of the parties' reaction, the

Commission now finds that there is no basis on which such a settlement

can be effected.

C.    The present Report

11.   The present Report has been drawn up by the Commission (First

Chamber) in pursuance of Article 31 of the Convention and after

deliberations and votes, the following members being present:

      MM.  A. WEITZEL, President

           C.L. ROZAKIS

           E. BUSUTTIL

           A. GÖZÜBÜYÜK

      Mrs. J. LIDDY


           B. MARXER

           G.B. REFFI

           B. CONFORTI

           N. BRATZA

           E. KONSTANTINOV

12.   The text of this Report was adopted on 11 January 1994 and is now

transmitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, in

accordance with Article 31 para. 2 of the Convention.

13.   The purpose of the Report, pursuant to Article 31 of the

Convention, is:

      i)   to establish the facts, and

      ii)  to state an opinion as to whether the facts found disclose

      a breach by the State concerned of its obligations under the


14.   A schedule setting out the history of the proceedings before the

Commission is attached hereto as Appendix I and the Commission's

decision on the admissibility of the application as Appendix II.

15.   The full text of the parties' submissions, together with the

documents lodged as exhibits, are held in the archives of the



A.    The particular circumstances of the case

16.   While serving in the Home Guard during the Winter War against the

Soviet Union from 1939 to 1940 the applicant was wounded in action.

While serving in the Armed Forces from 1941 to 1945 in the Continuation

War against the Soviet Union he was wounded a second time.

17.   On account of a back injury caused by splinter the applicant

receives compensation under the 1948 Military Injuries Act

(sotilasvammalaki 404/48, lag 404/48 om skada, ådragen i militärtjänst;

hereinafter "the 1948 Act"). His degree of disability is considered to

be less than ten per cent.

18.   In January 1988 the applicant requested that a higher degree of

disability be established, referring to his inguinal hernia and chronic

prostatitis. He referred to a medical report of 3 June 1987. In

May 1988 he submitted a further report.

19.   On 23 August 1988 the request was rejected by the State Office

for Accident Compensation  (tapaturmavirasto, olycksfallsverket;

hereinafter "the Compensation Office"), as the applicant had not

established that there had been an essential change in the

circumstances upon which his disability degree was based.

20.   The applicant appealed to the Insurance Court (vakuutusoikeus,

försäkringsdomstolen), submitting further evidence such as results of

an X-ray examination and laboratory tests of 17 April 1989.

21.   The Insurance Court requested an opinion from the Compensation

Office and obtained copies from the Staff of the Military District of

Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uudenmaan sotilaspiirin esikunta, staben för

västra Nylands militärdistrikt) of the master file on the applicant and

the file pertaining to his wartime medical examinations. The documents,

which were not communicated to him for comments, showed, inter alia

that in 1940 the applicant had been treated in a military hospital for

inguinal hernia and that he had been operated on for this injury in


22.   In its submission of 24 October 1988 to the Insurance Court the

Compensation Office proposed that the applicant's appeal be rejected.

This submission was not communicated to the applicant for comments


23.   On 19 October 1989 the Insurance Court rejected the applicant's

request for a higher degree of disability.

24.   On the applicant's appeal the Supreme Court on 7 June 1990 upheld

the decision of the Insurance Court.

B.    Relevant domestic law

25.   Under the 1948 Act and the 1956 Act on Extended Application of

the 1948 Act (laki 390/56 sotilasvammalain soveltamisalan laajenta-

misesta, lag 390/56 angående utvidgad tillämpning av lagen om skada,

ådragen i militärtjänst) benefits such as medical care, daily

subsistence allowance, life and supplementary annuity shall be granted

inter alia to soldiers wounded in action.

26.   Section 1, para. 1 of the 1948 Act provides:


      "Tämän lain mukaan suoritetaan korvausta palveluksesta

      aiheutuneen ruumiinvamman tai sairauden johdosta, joka on


      1) asevelvollista ... ."


      "Under this Act compensation shall be granted for an injury or

      illness due to service carried out by:

      1) a conscript ... ."

27.   Section 1 of the 1956 Act extends the application of the 1948 Act

to, among others, soldiers wounded in the Winter and Continuation Wars.

28.   Section 2, para. 2 of the 1948 Act, as amended by Act no. 122/67,



      "Mitä ... on sanottu palveluksen aiheuttamasta ruumiinvammasta,

      koskee myös sairautta, jos todennäköisillä syillä voidaan päättää

      palvelukseen tai työhön liittyneiden erikoisten olosuhteiden

      aiheuttaneen sen taikka olennaisesti vaikuttaneen sen

      ilmaantumiseen tai pahentumiseen. Sairautta, joka ilmaantuu vasta

      vuoden kuluttua sen jälkeen, kun sairastuneen palvelus- tai

      työsuhde on päättynyt, ei katsota palveluksen aiheuttamaksi,

      jollei sitä ole pidettävä seurauksena palvelus- tai työsuhteen

      aikana saadusta ruumiinvammasta tai ilmaaantuneesta sairaudesta."


      "What has been stated ... about an injury caused by military

      service also applies to an illness which may, on probable

      grounds, be regarded as caused by the particular circumstances

      of the service ... or provided that those circumstances have, in

      an essential way, affected the appearance or the aggravation of

      the illness. An illness appearing more than a year after the

      termination of the service shall not be considered as caused by

      the [military] service ... provided it is not to be regarded as

      a consequence of an injury suffered or an illness which appeared

      during that service ... ."

29.   Section 2, para. 3, as amended by Act no. 180/71, reads:


      "Ruumiinvammaa tai sairautta, joka ilmeisesti liittyy ...

      korvattavan vamman tai sairauden ... synnyttämään

      poikkeukselliseen alttiuteen tai taipumukseen, pidetään

      olosuhteiden mukaan joko kokonaan tai osaksi korvattavana."


      "An injury or an illness which has an obvious connection with an

      extreme susceptibility or predisposition caused by an injury or

      an illness to be compensated ... shall, with regard to the

      circumstances, be compensated either fully or partly."

30.   Section 3 prescribes:


      "Korvausta ei suoriteta ruumiinvammasta tai sairaudesta, jonka

      vahingoittunut tai sairastunut itse on tahallaan aiheuttanut.

      Korvaus voidaan evätä tai sitä vähentää:

      1) jos vahingoittunut tai sairastunut on saanut vamman tai

      sairauden ollessaan rikollisessa teossa taikka jos toinen henkilö

      on hänelle vamman tai sairauden tahallaan aiheuttanut, jollei

      tämä ole tapahtunut hänen sotilastoimensa tai työnsä vuoksi tai

      hänen suorittaessaan  saamaansa tehtävää;

      2) jos vamman tai sairauden syynä on ollut hänen törkeä

      huolimattomuutensa tai päihtymyksensä; tai

      3) jos vamma tai sairaus on johtunut siitä, että vahingoittunut

      tai sairastunut ei ole noudattanut vamman tai sairauden

      välttämiseksi annettuja, käytännössä yleisesti noudatettuja

      ohjeita tai määräyksiä."


      "Compensation shall not be granted for an injury or illness

      deliberately caused by the wounded or ill person himself.

      Compensation may be refused or lowered:

      1) if the wounded or ill person was injured or fell ill in

      connection with committing a criminal offence or if another

      person has deliberately injured him or caused him the

      illness, provided this did not happen as a result of the

      person's military post or work or when he was carrying out

      a mission;

      2) if the injury or illness was caused by gross negligence

      or drunkenness; or

      3) if the injury or illness was caused by the person's failure

      to comply with instructions and orders issued for the prevention

      of an injury or an illness and which are generally complied


31.   Section 8, para. 1, as amended by Act no. 622/65, reads:


      "Jos vahingoittuneen tai sairastuneen työkyvyttömyysaste on

      vähintään kymmenen sadalta, annetaan hänelle elinkorkoa. ..."


      "A wounded or ill person with a disability degree of at

      least 10 per cent shall be entitled to a life annuity. ..."

32.   Section 29, para. 2, as amended by Act no. 304/75, reads:


      "Vakuutusoikeuden päätökseen, mikäli on kysymys siitä,

      oikeuttaako ruumiinvamma [tai] sairaus ... tämän lain mukaiseen

      korvaukseen, saa hakea muutosta korkeimmalta oikeudelta ... ."


      "A decision by the Insurance Court in a matter concerning whether

      an injury [or] illness ... shall entitle to compensation under

      this Act may be appealed against to the Supreme Court ... ."

33.   Chapter 30, Section 20 of the Code of Judicial Procedure

(Oikeudenkäymiskaari, Rättegångs Balk), as amended by Act no. 104/79



      "Korkein oikeus toimittaa tarvittaessa suullisen käsittelyn, ...

      [Se] voi myös määrätä, että ... kuuleminen toimitetaan muussa



      "The Supreme Court may, if necessary, hold an oral hearing, ...

      [It] may also order that a hearing ... take place before another



A.    Complaint declared admissible

34.   The Commission has declared admissible the applicant's complaint

relating to the non-communication of documents in the proceedings

before the Supreme Court.

B.    Point at issue

35.   Accordingly, the issue to be determined is whether there has been

a violation of Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) of the Convention.

C.    As regards Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) of the Convention

36.   Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) reads, insofar as it is relevant:

      "In the determination of his civil rights and obligations

      ..., everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing ...

      by an independent and impartial tribunal ..."

      a.   Whether Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) is applicable

37.   The applicant submits that the dispute at issue concerned the

determination of his "civil rights". Section 3 of the 1948 Act

exhaustively prescribes the criteria for refusing compensation. These

are to be strictly adhered to. The examination of requests lodged under

the 1948 Act is, thus, a judicial and not a discretionary one. Further-

more, the system for compensating injuries suffered during military

service cannot be considered as a totally unilateral initiative by the

State, military service in Finland being compulsory, as was part of the

applicant's wartime service. Although his contribution to the

compensation system set up by the 1948 Act was not of a pecuniary

nature, it was his and his fellow soldiers' army service which made the

creation of such a scheme at all possible.

38.   The Government argue that Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) is not

applicable to the dispute at issue, as it did not concern a "civil

right" of the applicant. Although the dispute did involve features of

private law in the sense that the right claimed by the applicant was

a personal, economic and individual right, the public law features of

the dispute were numerous. The social protection under the 1948 Act is

a unilateral initiative by the State and has few affinities with

ordinary insurance schemes. It is furthermore financed exclusively by

the State.

39.   The Commission recalls that, as a general rule, Article 6 para. 1

(Art. 6-1) is applicable in the field of welfare assistance (see Eur.

Court H.R., Schuler-Zgraggen judgment of 24 June 1993, Series A

no. 263, para. 46). In particular, State intervention alone is not

sufficient to establish that Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) is

inapplicable. Other considerations might argue in favour of the

applicability, such as whether or not the applicant was affected in his

relations with the administrative authorities as such, acting in the

exercise of discretionary powers, or whether he suffered an

interference with his means of subsistence. It must further be

determined whether the applicant was claiming an individual, economic

right flowing from specific rules laid down by law. Finally, it is also

of relevance whether the protection of that right is organised in such

a way that at the judicial stage disputes over it come within the

jurisdiction of an ordinary court (loc. cit., see also Eur. Court H.R.,

Salesi judgment of 26 February 1993, Series A no. 257-E, para. 19).

40.   In the present case the compensation scheme under the 1948 Act

is solely financed by the State. In this respect it can be considered

a unilateral initiative taken by the State. However, although, under

domestic law, the compensation system is of a public law character, the

1948 Act prescribes that benefits shall be paid to a soldier considered

wounded in action or when there is causal link between his military

service and a subsequent illness. Thus, under certain conditions, there

is an individual and economic right to the benefits in question.

41.   The dispute in the present case arose as the applicant, referring

to fresh medical evidence, requested that a higher degree of disability

be established, this making him eligible for additional benefits such

as life annuity in accordance with Section 8 of the 1948 Act. Those

benefits must be considered to constitute an individual, economic right

for the applicant flowing from specific rules in the 1948 Act. There

was, moreover, a genuine dispute ("contestation") over the right in


42.   The examination of the conditions for raising the applicant's

disability degree was governed by Section 2, paras. 2 and 3 as well as

by Section 3 of the 1948 Act. It was thus bound by legal criteria and

not based on discretionary considerations.

43.   Moreover, the dispute at issue was determined by two judicial

bodies, first by the Insurance Court and finally by the Supreme Court.

44.   The Commission therefore concludes that Article 6 para. 1

(Art. 6-1) applies in this case.

      b.   Whether Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) has been violated

45.   The applicant complains that he did not receive a fair hearing

of his appeal. The Supreme Court was under an obligation to correct the

procedural fault of the Insurance Court by communicating the documents

to him ex officio. It must follow from Finland's reservation to

Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) of the Convention as to the right to an

oral hearing before, inter alia, the Supreme Court that this court

should instead resort to other procedural safeguards such as

communicating documents for comments in writing.

46.   The Government admit that the Supreme Court based its decision

at least partly on the documents submitted by the military authorities.

They argue, however, that Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) has not been

violated, given that the non-communicated documents were of no

significance to the outcome of the applicant's appeal. The Government

refer to investigations carried out in the course of the proceedings

before the Commission.

47.   The Commission recalls that it is not its task to substitute its

own assessment of the facts for that of the national courts. The

Convention organs' task is to ascertain whether the proceedings,

including the way in which evidence was dealt with, were fair within

the meaning of Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Dombo

Beheer judgment of 27 October 1993, Series A no. 274, para. 31).

48.   The Commission further recalls that the requirement of "equality

of arms" inherent in the concept of a "fair hearing" implies that each

party must be afforded a right to participate properly in the

proceedings as well as a reasonable opportunity to present his case

under conditions which do not place him at a substantial disadvantage

vis-à-vis his opponent (cf. Eur. Court H.R., Feldbrugge judgment of

29 May 1986, Series A no. 99, pp. 17-18, para. 44 and the above-

mentioned Dombo Beheer judgment, paras. 32-33).

49.   Turning to the present case the Commission finds it established

that the documents not communicated to the applicant by the Supreme

Court consisted of an opinion on his appeal to the Insurance Court

submitted by the Compensation Office, which had rejected the

applicant's request and thus could be seen as the applicant's opponent

in the appeal proceedings. As admitted by the Government, the documents

further included the applicant's master and medical files submitted to

the Insurance Court by a regional military headquarters. As further

admitted by the Government, at least the last-mentioned documents

formed part of the basis for the Supreme Court's consideration of the

applicant's appeal.

50.   It is not for the Commission to determine whether or not the

documents had any bearing on the refusal of the applicant's appeal.

Rather, the concept of a "fair hearing" would have required that the

possibility to assess the significance of the documents as well as the

need to present comments in writing or to request an oral hearing for

this purpose be left to the applicant himself. No such opportunity was,

however, given to him (cf. the above-mentioned Feldbrugge judgment,

pp. 16-17, para. 42 and, e contrario, the above-mentioned Schuler-

Zgraggen judgment, para. 52).

51.   In these circumstances the Commission concludes that the

conditions under which the applicant could present his appeal did not

allow for the applicant's proper participation in the proceedings

before the Supreme Court and placed him at a substantial disadvantage

vis-à-vis the Compensation Office.  Whether or not the documents have

later been found to be inconclusive can be of no relevance to the

assessment of the fairness of the proceedings before the Supreme


52.   Accordingly, there has been a violation of Article 6 para. 1

(Art. 6-1) on account of the Supreme Court's failure to communicate the

opinion of the Compensation Office as well as the applicant's master

and medical files to him prior to deciding his appeal.


53.   The Commission concludes, unanimously, that in the present case

there has been a violation of Article 6 para. 1 (Art. 6-1) of the


Secretary to the First Chamber        President of the First Chamber

      (M.F. BUQUICCHIO)                         (A. WEITZEL)

                              APPENDIX I

                      HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS

Date                               Item


25 August 1990                     Introduction of the application

29 November 1990                   Registration of the application

Examination of admissibility

7 April 1992                       Decision of the Commission to invite

                                   the Government to submit

                                   observations on the admissibility

                                   and merits of part of the


11 June 1992                       Government's observations

29 June 1992                       Applicant's observations in reply

29 July 1992                       Applicant's supplementary


10 July 1992                       Commission's decision to grant legal

                                   aid to the applicant

7 April 1993                       Commission's deliberations and

                                   decision to declare the

                                   application in part admissible and

                                   in part inadmissible and decision

                                   to refer the case to the First


Examination of the merits

8 April 1993                       Decision on admissibility

                                   transmitted to the parties

17 May 1993                        Applicant's further observations on

                                   the merits

18 June 1993                       Government's further observations

                                   on the merits

13 July 1993                       Applicant's supplementary

                                   observations on the merits

19 October 1993                    Commission's consideration of the

                                   state of proceedings

15 November 1993                   Government's supplementary

                                   observations on the merits

8 December 1993                   Consideration of the state of


11 January 1994                    Commission's deliberations on the

                                   merits, final vote and adoption of

                                   the Report

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