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F.K., T.M. and C.H. v. AUSTRIA

Doc ref: 18249/91 • ECHR ID: 001-45682

Document date: September 6, 1994

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F.K., T.M. and C.H. v. AUSTRIA

Doc ref: 18249/91 • ECHR ID: 001-45682

Document date: September 6, 1994

Cited paragraphs only


                             FIRST CHAMBER

                       Application No. 18249/91

                       by F. K., T. M. and C. H.



                       REPORT OF THE COMMISSION

                     (adopted on 6 September 1994)

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS


INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

PART I  :  STATEMENT OF THE FACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

PART II :  SOLUTION REACHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2


1.    This Report relates to the application introduced under

Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human

Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by F. K., T. M. and C. H. against

Austria on 14 May 1991.  It was registered on 23 May 1991 under file

No. 18249/91.

      The applicants are represented by Mr. G. Simonvay, a lawyer

practising in Vienna.  The Government of Austria are represented by

their Agent, Ambassador F. Cede, Head of the International Law

Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2.    The application relates to the applicants' complaints that, after

their respective arrests, they were not promptly brought before a judge

(Article 5 para. 3 of the Convention), and that, at the initial stage

of the proceedings, they were not afforded the guarantees of a judicial

procedure (Article 5 para. 4 and Article 6 of the Convention).  On

2 March 1994 the Commission (First Chamber) declared the application


3.    The Commission then proceeded to carry out its task under

Article 28 para. 1 of the Convention which provides as follows:

      "In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to

      it :

      a.   it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake

      together with the representatives of the parties an examination

      of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the

      effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all

      necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the

      Commission ;

      b.   it shall at the same time place itself at the disposal of

      the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly

      settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights

      as defined in this Convention."

4.    The Commission (First Chamber) found that the parties had reached

a friendly settlement of the case and on 6 September 1994 it adopted

this Report, which, in accordance with Article 28 para. 2 of the

Convention, is confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the

solution reached.

      The following members were present when the Report was adopted :

      MM.  A. WEITZEL, President

           C.L. ROZAKIS

           F. ERMACORA

           E. BUSUTTIL

           A.S. GÖZÜBÜYÜK

      Mrs. J. LIDDY


           B. MARXER

           B. CONFORTI

           N. BRATZA

           I. BÉKÉS

           E. KONSTANTINOV

                                PART I

                        STATEMENT OF THE FACTS

5.    On 13 September 1990 the first applicant was arrested by Austrian

police authorities on the suspicion of having professionally committed

burglaries with other suspects.  His request to contact his counsel

Mr. Simonfay was refused.  On 15 September 1990 the first applicant was

committed to the prison at the Eisenstadt Regional Court, and on

18 September 1990 to the Prison at the Leoben Regional Court.  In the

morning of the next day, the Investigating Judge, having heard the

applicant, ordered his detention on remand.

6.    On 25 September 1990 the Investigating Judge at the Leoben

Regional Court issued warrants of arrest against the second and the

third applicant, also suspecting them of having professionally received

stolen goods.  The second and the third applicant were arrested in

Vienna on 26 September 1990, and transferred to the Prison at the

Vienna Regional Court in the course of the next day.

7.    On 28 September 1990 the second and the third applicant were

questioned by the Duty Judge at the Vienna Regional Court upon a

request of the Leoben Regional Court.  On 1 October 1990 the Duty Judge

informed them that the competent Investigating Judge at the Leoben

Regional Court had decided that they be taken into detention on remand.

8.    Following an intervention by his relatives, the first applicant

was represented by Mr. Simonfay as from 5 October 1990, the second and

the third applicant as from 10 October 1990.

9.    In the course of the preliminary investigations, the

Investigating Judge at the Leoben Regional Court only partly granted

the applicants' requests that their defence counsel be granted access

to the files concerning the investigations against them.

10.   On 29 November 1990 the Judges' Chamber at the Leoben Regional

Court, following hearings, ordered inter alia the first and the third

applicant's continued detention on remand.  On 13 December 1990 the

Judges' Chamber, following a hearing, ordered the second applicant's

continued detention on remand.  The applicants' appeals were to no


11.   The applicants were eventually convicted by the Vienna Regional

Court of having committed burglary on various counts, and prison

sentences were imposed.  Having served their sentences, the applicants

returned to Hungary.

                                PART II

                           SOLUTION REACHED

12.   Following the decision on the admissibility of the application,

the Commission (First Chamber) placed itself at the disposal of the

parties with a view to securing a friendly settlement in accordance

with Article 28 para. 1 (b) of the Convention and invited the parties

to submit any proposals they wished to make.

13.   In accordance with the usual practice, the Chamber Secretary,

acting on the Commission's instructions, contacted the parties to

explore the possibilities of reaching a friendly settlement.

14.   By letters of 18 July 1994 and 16 August 1994, respectively, the

applicant and the respondent Government informed the Commission that

they had agreed on the terms of a friendly settlement, and submitted

the following declaration.

    "Statements of the parties with a view to a friendly settlement

      With reference to Article 28 para. 1 (b) of the European

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,

the parties in the proceedings concerning Application No. 18249/91,

lodged by F. K., T. M. and C. H., declare with a view to a friendly

settlement, reached with the assistance of the European Commission of

Human Rights, as follows:

      1.   The Government of the Republic of Austria will pay to the

      applicants a sum amounting to altogether AS 85,000 as

      compensation in respect of any possible claims relating to  the

      present application.  This sum is composed of a sum of AS 20,000

      for each of the applicants, and includes AS 15,000 in respect of

      the counsel's fees and expenses incurred in the proceedings

      before the Commission.

           This amount will be paid to the applicants' counsel,

      Mr. Géza Simonfay in Vienna (Konto: Bank Austria 240-115-123/00).

      2.   The applicants declare their application settled.

      3.   The applicants waive any further claims against the Republic

      of Austria relating to the present application."

           "Erklärungen der Parteien zur gütlichen Regelung

      In der Individualbeschwerde Nr. 18249/91 der F.K., T.M. und C.H.

verständigen sich die Parteien unter Bezugnahme auf Artikel 28 Abs. 1 b

der Europäischen Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und

Grundfreiheiten und unter Mitwirkung der Europäischen Kommission für

Menschenrechte auf die nachstehende gütliche Regelung:

      1.   Die österreichische Regierung zahlt den Beschwerdeführern

      als Ausgleich für sämtliche etwaigen Ansprüche im Zusammenhang

      mit der vorliegenden Individualbeschwerde einen Gesamtbetrag von

      AS 85,000.  Dieser Betrag setzt sich susammen aus einem Betrag

      von AS 20,000 für jeden der Beschwerdeführer und einem Betrag von

      AS 25,000 hinsichtlich der Gebühren und Auslagen, die im Rahmen

      des Verfahren vor der Kommission entstanden sind.

           Dieser Betrag wird an den Verfahrensbevollmächtigten der

      Beschwerdeführer Dr. Géza Simonfay in Wien (Konto: Bank Austria

      240-115-123/00) überwiesen.

      2.   Die Beschwerdeführer erklären ihre oben genannte Beschwerde

      als erledigt.

      3.   Die Beschwerdeführer verzichten auf die Geltendmachung

      allfälliger weiterer Forderungen gegen die Republik Österreich

      im Zusammenhang mit dem der Beschwerde zugrundeliegenden


15.   At its session on 6 September 1994, the Commission noted that the

parties had reached an agreement regarding the terms of a settlement.

It further considered, having regard to Article 28 para. 1 (b) of the

Convention, that the friendly settlement of the case had been secured

on the basis of respect for Human Rights as defined in the Convention.

16.   For these reasons, the Commission adopted the present Report.

Secretary to the First Chamber         President of the First Chamber

     (M.F. BUQUICCHIO)                          (A. WEITZEL)

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