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Doc ref: 17596/90 • ECHR ID: 001-45681

Document date: September 8, 1994

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Doc ref: 17596/90 • ECHR ID: 001-45681

Document date: September 8, 1994

Cited paragraphs only



                       Application No. 17596/90

                                K. I.



                       REPORT OF THE COMMISSION

                     (adopted on 8 September 1994)

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS


INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

PART I  :  STATEMENT OF THE FACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

PART II :  SOLUTION REACHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4


1.    This Report relates to the application introduced under

Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human

Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by K. I. against Germany on

16 June 1990.  It was registered on 21 December 1990 under file

No. 17596/90.

      The Government of Germany were represented by their Agent,

Dr. Jens Meyer-Ladewig, Federal Ministry of Justice, Bonn.

2.    On 14 April 1994 the Commission declared the application

admissible as to the complaint under Article 6 of the Convention on the

length of the proceedings.  The remainder of the application was

rejected.  The Commission then proceeded to carry out its task under

Article 28 para. 1 of the Convention which provides as follows :

      "In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to

      it :

      a.   it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake

      together with the representatives of the parties an examination

      of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the

      effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all

      necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the

      Commission ;

      b.   it shall at the same time place itself at the disposal of

      the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly

      settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights

      as defined in this Convention."

3.    The Commission found that the parties had reached a friendly

settlement of the case and on 8 September 1994 it adopted this Report,

which, in accordance with Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention, is

confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached.

      The following members were present when the Report was adopted :

           MM.   C.A. NØRGAARD, President

                 A. WEITZEL

                 F. ERMACORA

                 E. BUSUTTIL

                 G. JÖRUNDSSON

                 A.S. GÖZÜBÜYÜK

                 J.-C. SOYER

                 H. DANELIUS

           Mrs.  G.H. THUNE

           MM.   F. MARTINEZ

                 C.L. ROZAKIS

           Mrs.  J. LIDDY

           MM.   L. LOUCAIDES

                 J.-C. GEUS

                 M.P. PELLONPÄÄ

                 B. MARXER

                 M.A. NOWICKI

                 I. CABRAL BARRETO

                 B. CONFORTI

                 N. BRATZA

                 I. BÉKÉS

                 J. MUCHA

                 E. KONSTANTINOV

                 D. SVÁBY

                 G. RESS

                                PART I

                        STATEMENT OF THE FACTS

4.    In 1983 the applicant lodged an action with the Labour Court

(Arbeitsgericht) in Düsseldorf claiming a higher staff pension

(Betriebspension) from the defendant company.  The action was dismissed

on 23 May 1984.

      An appeal (Berufung) was rejected by the Regional Labour Court

(Landesarbeitsgericht) in Düsseldorf on 17 May 1985.  The Court also

dismissed the applicant's supplementary action (weitergehende Klage).

      The Appellate Court refused to grant leave to appeal on points

of law (Revision).

      The applicant's objections against the denial of leave to appeal

were rejected by the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht) on

19 June 1986 as being inadmissible.

5.    On 31 July 1986 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint

(Verfassungsbeschwerde) which was rejected by a panel of three judges

of the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) on

20 December 1989 (served on 28 December 1989) as being partly

inadmissible and as offering no prospects of success as to the


                                PART II

                           SOLUTION REACHED

6.    Following the decision on the admissibility of the application,

the Commission placed itself at the disposal of the parties with a view

to securing a friendly settlement in accordance with Article 28 para.

1 (b) of the Convention and invited the parties to submit any proposals

they wished to make.

7.    In accordance with the usual practice, the Secretary, acting on

the Commission's instructions, contacted the parties to explore the

possibilities of reaching a friendly settlement.

8.    The Government notified the Commission, by letter dated

10 June 1994, that an agreement on the terms of a friendly settlement

had been reached with the applicant which reads as follows:


      "With a view to resolving all applications brought by the

applicant, in particular Application nos. 17596/90 and 23334/94, the

parties agreed to the following friendly settlement:

      1.   The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany will pay

      to the applicant, without recognising any legal obligation, the

      sum of DM 10,000 in compensation for any possible complaints

      relating to the pending applications.

      2.   The applicant declares his above mentioned applications to

      have become without object and agrees to their being struck off

      the list of cases by the European Commission of Human Rights.

      3.   The applicant waives any further claims against the Federal

      Republic of Germany or against a Land of the Federal Republic of

      Germany or other body or institution of public law in Germany in

      connection with the facts underlying the applications."


      "Zur Erledigung aller vom Beschwerdeführer eingereichten

Individualbeschwerden nach der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention,

insbesondere der Individualbeschwerden Nr. 17596/90 und 23334/94,

schließen die Parteien folgenden Vergleich:

      1.   Die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zahlt dem

      Beschwerdeführer ohne Anerkennung einer Rechtspflicht als

      Ausgleich für sämtliche etwaige Ansprüche im Zusammenhang mit den

      anhängigen Individualbeschwerden einen Gesamtbetrag von


      2.   Der Beschwerdeführer erklärt die oben genannten Beschwerden

      für erledigt und ist mit der Streichung aus dem Register durch

      die Europäische Kommission für Menschenrechte einverstanden.

      3.   Der Beschwerdeführer verzichtet auf die Geltendmachung

      etwaiger weiterer Forderungen gegen die Bundesrepublik

      Deutschland oder gegen ein Land oder eine andere Körperschaft

      oder Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts in Deutschland im

      Zusammenhang mit den Sachverhalten, die den Beschwerden


9.    At its session on 8 September 1994, the Commission noted this and

considered, having regard to Article 28 para. 1 (b) of the Convention,

that the friendly settlement of the case had been secured on the basis

of respect for Human Rights as defined in the Convention.

10.   For these reasons, the Commission unanimously adopted the present


Secretary to the Commission             President of the Commission

       (H.C. KRÜGER)                           (C.A. NØRGAARD)

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