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European Human Rights Law

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European Convention on Human Rights

Article 1 - Obligation to respect Human Rights Article 2 - Right to life Article 3 - Prohibition of torture Article 4 - Prohibition of slavery and forced labour Article 5 - Right to liberty and security Article 6 - Right to a fair trial Article 7 - No punishment without law Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life Article 9 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Article 10 - Freedom of expression Article 11 - Freedom of assembly and association Article 12 - Right to marry Article 13 - Right to an effective remedy Article 14 - Prohibition of discrimination Article 15 - Derogation in time of emergency Article 16 - Restrictions on political activity of aliens Article 17 - Prohibition of abuse of rights Article 18 - Limitation on use of restrictions on rights Article 19 - Establishment of the Court
Article 20 - Number of judges,
Article 21 - Criteria for office,
Article 22 - Election of judges,
Article 23 - Terms of office and dismissal,
Article 24 - Registry and rapporteurs,
Article 25 - Plenary Court,
Article 26 - Single-judge formation, Committees, Chambers and Grand Chamber,
Article 27 - Competence of single judges,
Article 28 - Competence of Committees,
Article 29 - Decisions by Chambers on admissibility and merits,
Article 30 - Relinquishment of jurisdiction to the Grand Chamber,
Article 31 - Powers of the Grand Chamber,
Article 32 - Jurisdiction of the Court,
Article 33 - Inter-State cases Article 34 - Individual applications Article 35 - Admissibility criteria
Article 36 - Third party intervention,
Article 37 - Striking out applications Article 38 - Examination of the case Article 39 - Friendly settlements
Article 40 - Public hearings and access to documents,
Article 41 - Just satisfaction
Article 42 - Judgments of Chambers,
Article 43 - Referral to the Grand Chamber,
Article 44 - Final judgments,
Article 45 - Reasons for judgments and decisions,
Article 46 - Binding force and execution of judgments Article 47 - Advisory opinions Article 48 - Advisory jurisdiction of the Court
Article 49 - Reasons for advisory opinions,
Article 50 - Expenditure on the Court,
Article 51 - Privileges and immunities of judges,
Article 52 - Inquiries by the Secretary General Article 53 - Rights otherwise guaranteed Article 54 - Powers of the Committee of Ministers Article 55 - Renunciation of other means of settlement Article 56 - Territorial application Article 57 - Reservations Article 58 - Denunciation Article 59 - Signature and ratification

Protocol 6

Article 1 - Abolition of the death penalty Article 2 - Death penalty in time of war
Article 3 - Prohibition of derogations,
Article 4 - Prohibition of reservations Article 5 - Territorial application
Article 6 - Relationship to the Convention,
Article 7 - Signature and ratification
Article 8 - Entry into force,
Article 9 - Depositary functions,

Protocol 12

Article 1 - General prohibition of discrimination
Article 2 - Territorial application,
Article 3 - Relationship to the Convention,
Article 4 - Signature and ratification,
Article 5 - Entry into force,
Article 6 - Depositary functions,

Protocol 13

Article 1 - Abolition of the death penalty
Article 2 - Prohibition of derogations,
Article 3 - Prohibition of reservations,
Article 4 - Territorial application,
Article 5 - Relationship to the Convention,
Article 6 - Signature and ratification,
Article 7 - Entry into force,
Article 8 - Depositary functions,
Active Products: EUCJ + ECHR Data Package + Citation Analytics • Documents in DB: 396058 • Paragraphs parsed: 43415240 • Citations processed 3359795