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Doc ref: 11837/85 • ECHR ID: 001-49304

Document date: February 13, 1991

  • Inbound citations: 3
  • Cited paragraphs: 0
  • Outbound citations: 0


Doc ref: 11837/85 • ECHR ID: 001-49304

Document date: February 13, 1991

Cited paragraphs only

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 32

(art. 32) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights

and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as "the


Having regard to the report drawn up by the European Commission

of Human Rights in accordance with Article 31 (art. 31) of the

Convention relating to the application lodged on 9 August 1985

by Mr Amédée Auguste against France (Application No. 11837/85);

Whereas on 9 August 1990 the Commission transmitted the said

report to the Committee of Ministers and whereas the period of

three months provided for in Article 32, paragraph 1 (art. 32-1),

of the Convention elapsed without the case having been brought

before European Court of Human Rights in pursuance of

Article 48 (art. 48) of the Convention;

Whereas in his application the applicant complained of his

appearance before the Assise Court in a "glass cage";

Whereas the Commission declared the application admissible on

9 November 1989 and in its report adopted on 7 June 1990

expressed unanimously the opinion that there had been no

violation of Article 6, paragraph 1 (art. 6-1), of the

Convention, by eleven votes to one that there had been no

violation of Article 6, paragraph 2 (art. 6-2), and unanimously

that there had been no violation of Article 14 combined with

Article 6 (art. 14+6) of the Convention;

Agreeing with the opinion expressed by the Commission in

accordance with Article 31, paragraph 1 (art. 31-1), of the


Decides, having voted in accordance with the provisions of

Article 32, paragraph 1 (art. 32-1), of the Convention, that

there has been no violation of the Convention in this case.

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