Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/94 of 14 October 1994 on the sale of beef at prices fixed at a flat rate in advance held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the Canary Islands and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1018/94
2497/94 • 31994R2497
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Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/94 of 14 October 1994 on the sale of beef at prices fixed at a flat rate in advance held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the Canary Islands and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 Official Journal L 265 , 15/10/1994 P. 0042 - 0045 Finnish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 61 P. 0135 Swedish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 61 P. 0135
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2497/94 of 14 October 1994 on the sale of beef at prices fixed at a flat rate in advance held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the Canary Islands and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1884/94 (2), and in particular Article 7 (3) thereof, Whereas certain intervention agencies hold substantial stocks of beef bought into intervention; whereas an extension of the storage period for that beef should be avoided on account of the ensuing high costs; Whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 of 10 July 1992 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Canary Islands with products from the beef and veal sector (3), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2489/94 (4), lays down the forecast supply balance for frozen meat of bovine animals for the period 1 October 1994 to 30 November 1994; whereas, in the light of traditional trade patterns, it is appropriate to release intervention beef for the purpose of supplying the Canary Islands during that period; Whereas Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92 of 30 June 1992 laying down common detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricultural products to the Canary Islands (5), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2596/93 (6), provides for the use of aid certificates delivered by the competent Spanish authorities for supplies from the Community; whereas the potential purchaser should be obliged to submit an aid certificate to the intervention agency at the same time as the application to purchase from intervention; whereas, in order to improve the operation of the abovementioned arrangements, certain derogations from Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 should be provided for, in particular, with regard to the payment of aid and the security for aid certificates; whereas the support arrangements for the supply of the Canary Islands from intervention stocks provided for in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 (7), as last amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1974/93 (8), should be simplified by including the aid in the sale prices set in this Regulation; Whereas for the purpose of purchase and control procedures, it is appropriate to apply certain provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79 of 4 October 1979 on detailed rules of application for the disposal of beef bought in by intervention agencies and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 216/69 (9), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1759/93 (10), and Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92 of 16 October 1992 laying down common detailed rules for verifying the use and/or destination of products from intervention (11), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1938/93 (12); Whereas it is necessary to provide for the lodging of a security to guarantee that the beef arrives at the intended destination; Whereas Commission Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 (13) should be repealed; Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Beef and Veal, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Article 1 1. A sale shall be organized of approximately: (a) - 1 732 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Irish intervention agency, - 200 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Italian intervention agency, - 160 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Danish intervention agency; (b) - 1 000 tonnes of bone-in beef hindquarters held by the German intervention agency, - 261 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the Italian intervention agency, - 37 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the Danish intervention agency. 2. This meat shall be sold for delivery to the Canary Islands. 3. The qualities and selling prices of the products are given in Annex I hereto. Article 2 1. Subject to the provisions of this Regulation, the sale shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, and in particular Articles 2 to 5 thereof, and in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92. 2. The intervention agencies shall sell those products which have been in storage longest first. Particulars of the quantities and places where the products are stored shall be made available to interested parties at the addresses given in Annex II. Article 3 1. A purchase application shall only be valid when accompanied by an aid certificate covering at least the quantity concerned and issued pursuant to Regulations (EEC) No 1695/92 and (EEC) No 1912/92. 2. Notwithstanding Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92, aid shall not be paid for intervention beef sold pursuant to this Regulation. 3. Notwithstanding Article 4 (4) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92, in box 24 of the aid certificate application and of the aid certificate shall be entered: 'Aid certificate for use in the Canary Islands - no aid to be paid.' 4. Notwithstanding Article 6 (1) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92, the security laid down for aid certificates shall be ECU 2 per 100 kilograms. Article 4 Notwithstanding the second subparagraph of Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, purchase applications shall not indicate the store or stores where the meat applied for is being kept. Article 5 1. Notwithstanding Article 15 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, the security shall be ECU 100 per tonne. 2. A security of ECU 2 500 per tonne of bone-in beef and of ECU 3 000 per tonne of boneless beef to guarantee delivery to the Canary Islands shall be lodged by the purchaser before taking over the meat concerned. The guarantee for fillets, however, shall be ECU 7 000 per tonne. Delivery of the products concerned to the Canary Islands shall be a primary requirement within the meaning of Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 (14). Article 6 In the removal order referred to in Article 3 (1) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92 and the T 5 control copy shall be entered: « Carne de intervención destinada a las islas Canarias - Sin ayuda [Reglamento (CE) no 2497/94] »; »Interventionskoed til De Kanariske OEer - uden stoette (Forordning (EF) nr. 2497/94)«; "Interventionsfleisch fuer die Kanarischen Inseln - ohne Beihilfe (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2497/94)"; «Kreas apo tin paremvasi gia tis Kanarioys Nisoys - choris enischyseis [Kanonismos (EK) arith. 2497/94]»; 'Intervention meat for the Canary Islands - without the payment of aid (Regulation (EC) No 2497/94)'; « Viandes d'intervention destinées aux îles Canaries - Sans aide [règlement (CE) no 2497/94] »; « Carni in regime d'intervento destinate alle isole Canarie - senza aiuto [Regolamento (CE) n. 2497/94] »; "Interventievlees voor de Canarische eilanden - zonder steun (Verordening (EG) nr. 2497/94)"; « Carne de intervençao destinada às ilhas Canárias - sem ajuda [Regulamento (CE) nº 2497/94] ». Article 7 Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 is hereby repealed. Article 8 This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 14 October 1994. For the Commission René STEICHEN Member of the Commission (1) OJ No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. (2) OJ No L 197, 30. 7. 1994, p. 27. (3) OJ No L 192, 11. 7. 1992, p. 31. (4) See page 17 of this Official Journal. (5) OJ No L 179, 1. 7. 1992, p. 1. (6) OJ No L 238, 23. 9. 1993, p. 24. (7) OJ No L 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13. (8) OJ No L 180, 23. 7. 1993, p. 26. (9) OJ No L 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12. (10) OJ No L 161, 2. 7. 1993, p. 59. (11) OJ No L 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17. (12) OJ No L 176, 20. 7. 1993, p. 12. (13) OJ No L 112, 3. 5. 1994, p. 5. (14) OJ No L 205, 3. 8. 1985, p. 5. PARARTIMA I ANEXO I - BILAG I - ANHANG I - - ANNEX I - ANNEXE I - ALLEGATO I - BIJLAGE I - ANEXO I >Kratos melosProiontaKata prosengisi posotitatonoiTimes poliseos ekfrazomenes seana tono"> ID="1">a) Carne deshuesada - Udbenet koed - Fleisch ohne Knochen - Aposteomeno kreas - Boneless beef - Viande désossée - Carni senza osso - Vlees zonder been - Carne desossada"> ID="1">Ireland> ID="2">- Fillet> ID="3">32> ID="4">5 500"> ID="2">- Striploin> ID="3">1 000> ID="4">1 700"> ID="2">- Inside> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 150"> ID="2">- Outside> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 000"> ID="2">- Knuckle> ID="3">100> ID="4">1 200"> ID="2">- Cube-roll> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 900"> ID="1">Italia> ID="2">- Filetto> ID="3">100> ID="4">3 800"> ID="2">- Rostbeef> ID="3">100> ID="4">1 250"> ID="1">Danmark> ID="2">- Moerbrad> ID="3">49> ID="4">4 000"> ID="2">- Inderlaar> ID="3">111> ID="4">1 100"> ID="1">b) Cuartos traseros con hueso - Bagfjerdinger, ikke udbenet - Hinterviertel mit Knochen - Opisthia tetarta me kokala - Bone-in hindquarters - Quartiers arrière avec os - Quarti posteriori non disossati - Achtervoeten met been - Quartos traseiros com osso"> ID="1">Italia> ID="2">- Quarti posteriori,"> ID="2">Categoria A classi U, R e O> ID="3">261> ID="4">800"> ID="1">Danmark> ID="2">- Bagfjerdinger af"> ID="2">kategori A/C, klasse R og O> ID="3">37> ID="4">800"> ID="1">Deutschland> ID="2">- Hinterviertel, stammend von:"> ID="2">Kategorien A/C, Klassen U, R und O> ID="3">1 000> ID="4">800"> PARARTIMA ANEXO II - BILAG II - ANHANG II - II - ANNEX II - ANNEXE II - ALLEGATO II - BIJLAGE II - ANEXO II Direcciones de los organismos de intervención - Interventionsorganernes adresser - Anschriften der Interventionsstellen - Diefthynseis ton organismon paremvaseos - Addresses of the intervention agencies - Adresses des organismes d'intervention - Indirizzi degli organismi d'intervento - Adressen van de interventiebureaus - Endereços dos organismos de intervençao IRELAND: Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Agriculture House Kildare Street Dublin 2 Tel. (01) 678 90 11, ext. 2278 and 3806 Telex 93292 and 93607, telefax (01) 6616263, (01) 6785214 and (01) 6620198 DANMARK: EF-Direktoratet Nyropsgade 26 DK-1602 Koebenhavn K Tlf. 33 92 70 00, telex 15137 EFDIR DK, telefax 33 92 69 48 DEUTSCHLAND: Bundesanstalt fuer landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung (BALM) Geschaeftsbereich 3 (Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnisse) Postfach 180 107 - Adickesallee 40 D-60322 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (069) 1 56 47 72/3 Telex: 0411727, Telefax: 069 15 64 791 ITALIA: Ente per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo (EIMA) Via Palestro 81 I-00185 Roma Tel.: 49 49 91 Telex: 61 30 03
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2497/94 of 14 October 1994 on the sale of beef at prices fixed at a flat rate in advance held by certain intervention agencies and intended for supplying the Canary Islands and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1018/94
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of the market in beef and veal (1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1884/94 (2), and in particular Article 7 (3) thereof,
Whereas certain intervention agencies hold substantial stocks of beef bought into intervention; whereas an extension of the storage period for that beef should be avoided on account of the ensuing high costs;
Whereas Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 of 10 July 1992 laying down detailed implementing rules for the specific measures for supplying the Canary Islands with products from the beef and veal sector (3), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2489/94 (4), lays down the forecast supply balance for frozen meat of bovine animals for the period 1 October 1994 to 30 November 1994; whereas, in the light of traditional trade patterns, it is appropriate to release intervention beef for the purpose of supplying the Canary Islands during that period;
Whereas Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92 of 30 June 1992 laying down common detailed rules for implementation of the specific arrangements for the supply of certain agricultural products to the Canary Islands (5), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2596/93 (6), provides for the use of aid certificates delivered by the competent Spanish authorities for supplies from the Community; whereas the potential purchaser should be obliged to submit an aid certificate to the intervention agency at the same time as the application to purchase from intervention; whereas, in order to improve the operation of the abovementioned arrangements, certain derogations from Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92 should be provided for, in particular, with regard to the payment of aid and the security for aid certificates; whereas the support arrangements for the supply of the Canary Islands from intervention stocks provided for in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 (7), as last amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1974/93 (8), should be simplified by including the aid in the sale prices set in this Regulation;
Whereas for the purpose of purchase and control procedures, it is appropriate to apply certain provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79 of 4 October 1979 on detailed rules of application for the disposal of beef bought in by intervention agencies and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 216/69 (9), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1759/93 (10), and Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92 of 16 October 1992 laying down common detailed rules for verifying the use and/or destination of products from intervention (11), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1938/93 (12);
Whereas it is necessary to provide for the lodging of a security to guarantee that the beef arrives at the intended destination;
Whereas Commission Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 (13) should be repealed;
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Beef and Veal,
Article 1
1. A sale shall be organized of approximately:
(a) - 1 732 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Irish intervention agency,
- 200 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Italian intervention agency,
- 160 tonnes of boneless beef held by the Danish intervention agency;
(b) - 1 000 tonnes of bone-in beef hindquarters held by the German intervention agency,
- 261 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the Italian intervention agency,
- 37 tonnes of bone-in hindquarters held by the Danish intervention agency.
2. This meat shall be sold for delivery to the Canary Islands.
3. The qualities and selling prices of the products are given in Annex I hereto.
Article 2
1. Subject to the provisions of this Regulation, the sale shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, and in particular Articles 2 to 5 thereof, and in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92.
2. The intervention agencies shall sell those products which have been in storage longest first.
Particulars of the quantities and places where the products are stored shall be made available to interested parties at the addresses given in Annex II.
Article 3
1. A purchase application shall only be valid when accompanied by an aid certificate covering at least the quantity concerned and issued pursuant to Regulations (EEC) No 1695/92 and (EEC) No 1912/92.
2. Notwithstanding Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92, aid shall not be paid for intervention beef sold pursuant to this Regulation.
3. Notwithstanding Article 4 (4) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1695/92, in box 24 of the aid certificate application and of the aid certificate shall be entered: 'Aid certificate for use in the Canary Islands - no aid to be paid.'
4. Notwithstanding Article 6 (1) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1912/92, the security laid down for aid certificates shall be ECU 2 per 100 kilograms.
Article 4
Notwithstanding the second subparagraph of Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, purchase applications shall not indicate the store or stores where the meat applied for is being kept.
Article 5
1. Notwithstanding Article 15 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2173/79, the security shall be ECU 100 per tonne.
2. A security of ECU 2 500 per tonne of bone-in beef and of ECU 3 000 per tonne of boneless beef to guarantee delivery to the Canary Islands shall be lodged by the purchaser before taking over the meat concerned. The guarantee for fillets, however, shall be ECU 7 000 per tonne.
Delivery of the products concerned to the Canary Islands shall be a primary requirement within the meaning of Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 (14).
Article 6
In the removal order referred to in Article 3 (1) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 3002/92 and the T 5 control copy shall be entered:
« Carne de intervención destinada a las islas Canarias - Sin ayuda [Reglamento (CE) no 2497/94] »;
»Interventionskoed til De Kanariske OEer - uden stoette (Forordning (EF) nr. 2497/94)«;
"Interventionsfleisch fuer die Kanarischen Inseln - ohne Beihilfe (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2497/94)";
«Kreas apo tin paremvasi gia tis Kanarioys Nisoys - choris enischyseis [Kanonismos (EK) arith. 2497/94]»;
'Intervention meat for the Canary Islands - without the payment of aid (Regulation (EC) No 2497/94)';
« Viandes d'intervention destinées aux îles Canaries - Sans aide [règlement (CE) no 2497/94] »;
« Carni in regime d'intervento destinate alle isole Canarie - senza aiuto [Regolamento (CE) n. 2497/94] »;
"Interventievlees voor de Canarische eilanden - zonder steun (Verordening (EG) nr. 2497/94)";
« Carne de intervençao destinada às ilhas Canárias - sem ajuda [Regulamento (CE) nº 2497/94] ».
Article 7
Regulation (EC) No 1018/94 is hereby repealed.
Article 8
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 14 October 1994.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24.
(2) OJ No L 197, 30. 7. 1994, p. 27.
(3) OJ No L 192, 11. 7. 1992, p. 31.
(4) See page 17 of this Official Journal.
(5) OJ No L 179, 1. 7. 1992, p. 1.
(6) OJ No L 238, 23. 9. 1993, p. 24.
(7) OJ No L 173, 27. 6. 1992, p. 13.
(8) OJ No L 180, 23. 7. 1993, p. 26.
(9) OJ No L 251, 5. 10. 1979, p. 12.
(10) OJ No L 161, 2. 7. 1993, p. 59.
(11) OJ No L 301, 17. 10. 1992, p. 17.
(12) OJ No L 176, 20. 7. 1993, p. 12.
(13) OJ No L 112, 3. 5. 1994, p. 5.
(14) OJ No L 205, 3. 8. 1985, p. 5.
>Kratos melosProiontaKata prosengisi posotitatonoiTimes poliseos ekfrazomenes seana tono"> ID="1">a) Carne deshuesada - Udbenet koed - Fleisch ohne Knochen - Aposteomeno kreas - Boneless beef - Viande désossée - Carni senza osso - Vlees zonder been - Carne desossada"> ID="1">Ireland> ID="2">- Fillet> ID="3">32> ID="4">5 500"> ID="2">- Striploin> ID="3">1 000> ID="4">1 700"> ID="2">- Inside> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 150"> ID="2">- Outside> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 000"> ID="2">- Knuckle> ID="3">100> ID="4">1 200"> ID="2">- Cube-roll> ID="3">200> ID="4">1 900"> ID="1">Italia> ID="2">- Filetto> ID="3">100> ID="4">3 800"> ID="2">- Rostbeef> ID="3">100> ID="4">1 250"> ID="1">Danmark> ID="2">- Moerbrad> ID="3">49> ID="4">4 000"> ID="2">- Inderlaar> ID="3">111> ID="4">1 100"> ID="1">b) Cuartos traseros con hueso - Bagfjerdinger, ikke udbenet - Hinterviertel mit Knochen - Opisthia tetarta me kokala - Bone-in hindquarters - Quartiers arrière avec os - Quarti posteriori non disossati - Achtervoeten met been - Quartos traseiros com osso"> ID="1">Italia> ID="2">- Quarti posteriori,"> ID="2">Categoria A classi U, R e O> ID="3">261> ID="4">800"> ID="1">Danmark> ID="2">- Bagfjerdinger af"> ID="2">kategori A/C, klasse R og O> ID="3">37> ID="4">800"> ID="1">Deutschland> ID="2">- Hinterviertel, stammend von:"> ID="2">Kategorien A/C, Klassen U, R und O> ID="3">1 000> ID="4">800">
Direcciones de los organismos de intervención - Interventionsorganernes adresser - Anschriften der Interventionsstellen - Diefthynseis ton organismon paremvaseos - Addresses of the intervention agencies - Adresses des organismes d'intervention - Indirizzi degli organismi d'intervento - Adressen van de interventiebureaus - Endereços dos organismos de intervençao IRELAND: Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Agriculture House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2
Tel. (01) 678 90 11, ext. 2278 and 3806
Telex 93292 and 93607, telefax (01) 6616263, (01) 6785214 and (01) 6620198
DANMARK: EF-Direktoratet
Nyropsgade 26
DK-1602 Koebenhavn K
Tlf. 33 92 70 00, telex 15137 EFDIR DK, telefax 33 92 69 48
DEUTSCHLAND: Bundesanstalt fuer landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung (BALM)
Geschaeftsbereich 3 (Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnisse)
Postfach 180 107 - Adickesallee 40
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: (069) 1 56 47 72/3
Telex: 0411727, Telefax: 069 15 64 791
ITALIA: Ente per gli interventi nel mercato agricolo (EIMA)
Via Palestro 81
I-00185 Roma
Tel.: 49 49 91
Telex: 61 30 03